Friday, February 6, 2009

Things I would do differently!

The older I get, the more I catch myself saying, "Man, if I could go back and do that again, I'd...."
or to my children I often say, "If I was your age again, I'd..." so I thought I'd post about some of those things.


  1. Have gotten my college degree when I was young and had no responsibilities (kids).

  2. Thank my parents on a daily basis for being such great role models.

  3. Given my teachers less grief over assignments.

  4. Enjoy being "me" more.

  5. Play more and work less.

  6. Dance every time I was asked.

  7. Sit and hold my babies more.

  8. Soak in a tub until I had wrinkles (the ones you get from sitting in water too long, not the old age ones!) ;)

  9. Tell my friends and family how different my life would be without them.

  10. Kiss my husband more!

  11. Not take for granted even the little things i.e. smells, sights, laughter.

  12. Smile more and cry less.

  13. Not care what other people think! (trying to teach that to teenagers is hard!)

  14. Have more friends than enemies.

  15. Be more appreciative of the sacrifices others have made for me.

  16. Thank C.C. more for being my husband and always the provider.

  17. Tell my children how proud I am of them and how much I love them.

  18. Take more vacations.

  19. Give 110 % always

  20. Make fewer lists and be more spontaneous.

The picture of the cute kid on top of this post is what my kids tend to do when I start my, "I'd...." speeches! LOL!

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