Sunday, March 1, 2009

Not me Monday!

This is my first attempt at the NOT ME post but here goes!

I did not drive to watch the boys play basketball in Canyon eventhough I have no one playing on the team. Nope, NOT ME!

I did not scream and yell like a teenager the whole game and get frustrated with everyone else who was not being the loud fan that I was. NOT ME!

I did not turn right around after getting in on Friday night at 11:30ish and get up at 4:45 on Saturday morning to take Chelsea to the bus. Uh, uh NOT ME!

I, then, did not go home, take a shower and then drive to Wichita to watch the varsity girls, again not my child, play in a tournament in sub-zero temperatures. NOT ME!!

I did not stop in Vernon to see Chance, buy him groceries, and give him spending money only to find out he came home to Granny's on Sunday to get more. Surely not, NOT ME! (And NOT HIM either, right?!)

I did not sleep only 2 hrs. after getting in from Wichita before I had to go to work at the motel at 11 p.m. and work all night! NOT ME!

I did not think a customer was a total idiot to write L and R on two plastic cups and put his contacts in them and then think that the housekeepers would not throw them away. No way, NOT ME! OKay, yes me. I have to admit it. I did do that! What a dumb butt. ( He wants us to buy him new ones!)

I did not have fun doing this. Oh, yes I did! Later, Lisa

I did not notice after publishing this post that the day and date is wrong and not care! Nope, NOT ME!

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